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Write experiments

This page assumes you are familiar with running experiments locally using the command line tool. If you need a refresher take a moment to read our docs before continuing any further.

Here, we are using DSL 2.0, if you need to understand the previous syntax check out the FlowIR docs and FlowIR tutorial.


  • A python 3.9+ interpreter

  • A virtual environment with the st4sd-runtime-core python module

    python -m venv venv
    . ./venv/bin/activate
    pip install "st4sd-runtime-core[develop]"
  • Clone the github repository and then cd into its sub-directory tutorials/1-write-experiments

    git clone

ST4SD experiments

ST4SD experiments consist of 2 parts, the templates of the experiment and the entrypoint section which references the starting point. There are 2 types of templates: workflows and components.

A component describes how to execute a task. A workflow describes how to execute its children steps which they themselves can be instances of other workflows or components.

Let’s see a couple of experiment examples.

Make sure your working directory is the sub-directory tutorials/1-write-experiments of the directory you stored in.

Hello world

The hello-world experiment

Below is a simple hello world experiment you can run. It prints a user configurable message:

entry-instance: hello
- target: <entry-instance>
message: Hello world
- signature:

File: 0-hello-world.yaml

Run it like so: -l40 --nostamp 0-hello-world.yaml

For more information on running and troubleshooting experiments locally, check our command line tool documentation.

We use the script to execute a package, which happens to be a YAML file, and whose location is at 0-hello-world.yaml. This happens to be a single-file package which we call standard project or package. There are also directory flavoured experiments which we call standalone packages. We’ll use a standalone project in our next example, so for the time being let’s focus on this standard project.

In ST4SD the outputs of an experiment are placed in a directory called ${package-name}.instance which is created in the directory you were in when you ran

For more information on the structure of 0-hello-world.instance and how to run experiments using see our documentation on running experiments locally.

Before you continue any further, use ls and cd to look at the structure of 0-hello-world.instance which contains the files related to this instance of your experiment. Make sure to look at the stdout of your component. You will find that file under 0-hello-world.instance/stages/stage0/entry-instance/out.stdout.

You might be wondering why your hello component is called entry-instance. The next section explains why.


In this example, the entrypoint section looks like this:

entry-instance: hello
- target: <entry-instance>
message: Hello world

The purpose of the entrypoint is to reference the root template instance of your experiment and describe how to execute it by providing values to its parameters/arguments. This is similar to how in object oriented languages you create instances of classes. In ST4SD you use the entrypoint and workflows to execute component and workflow templates.

The entrypoint always points to exactly 1 instance of some template. This instance is always called entry-instance, kind of how you always have a main function in C and other languages. Because the 0-hello-world experiment points to a component template, the instance of that component template is called entry-instance. You can find the files it produces under the directory 0-hello-world.instance/stages/stage0/entry-instance.

Notice that in entrypoint.execute[0].target the entrypoint references <entry-instance> instead of entry-instance. This is to make it explicit that we are referencing an instance of a template, not the template itself. In ST4SD, references to template instances are enveloped in <> just like <this>.


The components array is where you define the component templates that your experiments may instantiate as steps. A component consists of a signature (i.e. unique name and parameters) and what it executes (i.e. its command). There are also other optional configurations which control its behaviour but we will omit these for now. If you wish to know more, there is a link at the bottom of this page with more information about the Domain Specific Language (DSL) that ST4SD experiments use.

Here is that component we saw above:

name: hello
- name: message
executable: echo
arguments: "%(message)s"

Focusing on the command dictionary we see that the command of this component points to the echo executable. You have 3 options when you define the executable of a command:

  • The name of a binary which the runtime expects to exist in a directory that the $PATH environment variable points to (this example)
  • An absolute path to the binary
  • A path to the binary which relative to the instance directory. This last option is mostly useful when working with standalone projects which we cover in our next example.

hello is effectively a wrapper for the binary file echo which comes bundled with your typical Unix/MacOS/Linux operating system. When an instance of this component template runs it prints the contents of the message parameter to the stdout.

Speaking of parameters, notice that the message parameter does not have a default value. We could have added one like this:

- name: message
default: some default value

The default value of a parameter is only used if the caller of the component (in this example the entrypoint) does not assign a value to that parameter. In this instance, the entrypoint does assign a value to the message parameter so adding a default value will not make a difference.


In ST4SD you can override the parameters of entry-instance that the entrypoint sets via the dictionary entrypoint.execute[0].args.

For example, place the following into a new file my-variables.yaml:

message: my custom message

Then remove the 0-hello-world.instance directory and run the experiment again but this time use load the my-variables.yaml file:

: # Recall that you have to remove 0-hello-world.instance because of --nostamp
rm -rf 0-hello-world.instance -l40 --nostamp -a my-variables.yaml 0-hello-world.yaml

Take a look at the stdout of your component. If you are having trouble finding the output under the 0-hello-world.instance/stages directory see our documentation on running experiments locally. The path to the file that contains the stdout of the component hello is 0-hello-world.instance/stages/stage0/entry-instance/out.stdout.

Run some custom python code

What if you wanted to execute a custom python script with your component? You’d just need to point your command.executable to a python script.

Here’s an example script:

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys

File: 1-hello-python.package/bin/

Make sure that files you use for command.executable are actually “executable”! In this example, we’ve already run chmod +x 1-hello-python.package/bin/ for you.

Your experiment definition would look like this:

entry-instance: hello
- target: <entry-instance>
message: Hello world
- signature:

File: 1-hello-python.package/conf/dsl.yaml

Eagle eye readers will have noticed that the path to the DSL file is now 1-hello-python.package/conf/dsl.yaml. Contrary to the 0-hello-world.yaml experiment above this new experiment is not a “single file” experiment (i.e. a standard project). It is what we call a standalone project. A standalone project is a directory which contains the experiment configuration file under the conf sub-directory. It may also contain other sub-directories which it can reference. For example, it is common for standalone projects to contain the script(s) they’re using under the bin directory.

When you looked at the contents of the 0-hello-world.instance directory for the above example you actually saw some of these directories. This is because a “standard” project is just a compressed form of a “standalone” project. Before starts executing your experiment it populates the contents of the experiment instance directory by copying over the contents of the project in the form of a standalone project. This gets you the conf, data, and other directories that we went over in our outputs of experiments docs.

ST4SD supports a couple of different ways to write experiments. It determines which format to use for loading the experiment by looking at the filename of the experiment configuration. When building experiments using the DSL you see in these examples make sure to store your experiment configuration file as $package_name/conf/dsl.yam. For more information see our documentation on packaging workflows.

Let’s take a closer look at the command field of the hello component:

executable: bin/
arguments: '"%(message)s"'

The executable is bin/ This is a relative path (it does not start with a / but contains a /) which instructs the runtime that it should find the binary that command.executable points to under the experiment instance directory.


  • Use to run 1-hello-python.package and look at the output of the component. Recall that expects a path to the package definition. Which in this example is 1-hello-python.package/. After completes, look at the stdout of your component.

Your first multi-step experiment

Running multiple steps requires chaining components. That’s where Workflow come in.

Here’s an example:

entry-instance: many-steps
- target: <entry-instance>
external: From entrypoint arguments
- signature:

File: 2-many-steps.yaml


A workflow looks similar to the entrypoint doesn’t it? That’s by design.

The entrypoint is just a special workflow which executes exactly 1 step called entry-instance so it has exactly 1 entry under its execute array. In contrast, workflow templates describe how to execute 1 or more steps.

Let’s dig into the many-steps workflow:

name: many-steps
- name: external
foo: hello
bar: hello
- target: <foo>

It has a signature with a name and parameters, just like the hello component. However, unlike the component kind of Templates, the workflow Templates do not have a command section or any of the other component sections. Instead they have a steps and an execute section.

The steps section assigns identifiers to the template instances that the workflow creates. We call these identifiers step identifiers. The execute section describes how to execute the steps. For each step of the workflow, the execute array contains an entry with a target field that referencing a step like <this>. It also contains an args and dictionary for providing values to the parameters of the target step.

Earlier we saw how components reference their parameters (e.g. in their commandline). Workflows can reference their own parameters to set the values of arguments to their steps. Here’s how this workflow sets the message parameter of its <foo> step:

- target: <foo>
message: "from my parent workflow: %(external)s"

Workflow steps can also reference the outputs of other steps. Let’s take a look at <bar>:

- target: <bar>
message: "from my producer: <bar>:output"

See how it references the <foo> step? It actually uses the :output output of the <foo> step which instructs the ST4SD runtime to replace the <foo>:output string with the contents of the contents of the stdout stream from the <foo> step. Referencing steps in the arguments of other steps also defines the execution order of the steps. There are other reference methods, like for example :ref which you can use to reference a file or a directory that a component produces. We have a link to the DataReference documentation at the bottom of this document.

In this example, the runtime system will execute the <foo> component first because it needs its output before it can launch the <bar> component.


  • Run the experiment and take a moment to think what the contents of the file out.stdout of <bar> should be. Next, look at the directories under stages/stage0 and read the out.stdout file for the <bar> component.
  • Add a third step to the workflow which references the :output of both foo and bar.

Working with input files

Let’s build an experiment which uses python to read a file and print its contents to the terminal.

entry-instance: wrapper
- target: <entry-instance>
input.message: input/message
- signature:

File: 3-input-files.yaml

The printer component has a file parameter. When the wrapper workflow instanciates the <printer> step it sets the value of its parameter file to %(input.message)%s:ref. This instructs the runtime that the <printer> is receiving a reference (:ref) to a file whose path is %(input.message)s i.e. input/message.

To run this experiment create a file called message with a message like this:

A greeting read from a file

Then launch the experiment like so: -l40 --no-stamp -i message 3-input-files.yaml

The -i message argument instructs the runtime that it should use the message file as an input file for your experiment. It’ll place that file under the directory 3-input-files.instance/input which will enable instances of components and workflows to reference it by including the text input/message:$method in their arguments. Where method can be one of [output, ref, copy, link]. The whole string $path:$method (in this example input/message:ref ) is what we call a DataReference in ST4SD. You can find more information about DataReferences in our workflow specification documentation.


  • Execute the 3-input-files.yaml experiment using and then look at the output of the printer component in stage0.

Read a file that a different part of the experiment produced

In ST4SD workflow and component templates have outputs which steps can reference. The outputs of workflows are its children steps and the outputs of a component are the file(s) it produces as well as the text it prints to its stdout stream.

We already saw an example of this in Your first multi-step experiment where a component printed the stdout of a different component. Let’s take it a step further and have an experiment where a component prepares a file that a different component reads.

entry-instance: many-steps
- target: <entry-instance>
external: From entrypoint arguments
- signature:

File: 4-read-step-outputs.yaml

Here’s how we configure the bar step to consume the file my_output.txt that the foo component produces:

# ...
- target: <bar>
file: "<foo>/my_output.txt:ref"

The parent workflow configures the value of the file parameter that the bar step has to: <foo>/my_output.txt:ref. This represents a file reference (:ref) to the "my_output.txt" output that the <foo> step produces.


  • Run the experiment and look at the files that component instances produced.

Replicate parts of your experiment

Sometimes you just need to run several copies of the same task on different data.

Take for example the graph below:


The component A access a database and produces some output which the components B and C read. The component D then reads the outputs of of B and C. Finally, component E processes the output of D. Databases typically hold more than just a single item and manually unrolling graphs to match the number of input items is tedious and error prone.

ST4SD supports simple markets to indicate when the graph unrolling begins and ends. We call these markets replication and aggregation markers. Let’s imagine that components A, B, C, and D should execute once per input item but the E component should execute just once to aggregate the results of all the replicas of the D component.

You can write a ST4SD experiment in which:

  • the A component contains a configuration option which replicates the sub-graph that starts from A.
  • the E component contains a configuration option which aggregates the sub-graph(s) that feed their outputs to E.

ST4SD will automatically configure the components between [A, E) to replicate for as many times as the A component replicates. Notice that the components include A (start of replication) but exclude E (aggregating node). The runtime modifies the aggregating component E so that any parameters it receives to any of the replicated components are rewritten such that they point to all replicated components. The annotated graph with the replicate/aggregate markers looks like this:


When executing the experiment and setting A to replicate 2 times you get this unrolled graph:


There are now 2 replicas of each of the components A, B, C, and D. Each of the replicas has a suffix indicating its replica id.

Let’s build a simple experiment which contains replicating components. It has N components that produce 1 file each containing 1 pair of integers. There are N components to process each of those pairs and calculate the sum of the numbers in the file. A final component consumes the N sums and prints their product.

entry-instance: product-of-sums
- target: <entry-instance>
N: 3
- signature:
name: product-of-sums

File: 5-replication.package/conf/dsl.yaml

Replication and Aggregation

The generate-random-pairs component contains a workflowAttributes.replicate field whose value is %(number_pairs)s. When the value of that field is greater than 0 the runtime replicates the sub-graph for as many times as the value of this field. The replicated sub-graph starts from that node till it either reaches a component containing the field workflowAttributes.aggregate=true (excluding the aggregating component) or a leaf-component (including the leaf component).

The name of a component’s replica starts with the name of the component and ends with the index of the replica.

In this experiment, generate-random-pairs and sum components to replicate for 3 times. The 3 replicas of the sum component are sum0, sum1, and sum2.

The runtime system also automatically injects a parameter to replicated components called replica. It holds the replica id of that component.

Here’s how that component looks like:

- signature:
name: sum
- name: file
executable: bin/
# the replica parameter is auto injected, it does not appear
# in the signature of this component
arguments: "%(file)s %(replica)s"

When an aggregating component has a parameter whose value points to a replicating component, the runtime system automatically rewrites the value in way that it “aggregates” that specific output of all the referenced replicated components.

In this example, the parameter numbers of calculate-product starts with a value of <sum>:output. The runtime system detects that sum is a replicated component and rewrites the <sum>:output output reference. The value of the numbers parameter becomes <sum0>:output <sum1>:output <sum2>:output.

The references to 3 the replicated outputs are separated by a space.

Test what you’ve learned

Congratulations! You should now understand how to write basic workflows.

Naturally, the next step is to put your knowledge to the test!

Implement a workflow, which:

  1. Has the name: “calculate-sum-of-products”
  2. Has 3 arguments:
    • input.numbers.json: input file pointing to a JSON file containing an array. Each value of the array is an array of integers.
    • index_start: An integer indicating the starting index of numbers.json to process
    • length: An integer indicating how many arrays from numbers.json to process starting from index_start
  3. The workflow should use “replicate” to produce 1 JSON file per sub-array of “input.numbers.json” for each of the arrays whose index falls within [index_start, index_start + length)
  4. The workflow should use multiple step to calculate the product of the numbers. Each step should consume one of the arrays and stores the array’s product under a file called “product.json”.
  5. The workflow should use “aggregate” for a step called “sum_products” which calculates the sum the products that the above component replicas produced. “sum-products” should store the sum of the products under the file “sum_of_products.json”

This workflow emulates some of the patterns we’ve seen workflow developers use. Often, workflows process a large number of inputs in parallel (this is where the “replicate” part comes into play) and have some kind of analysis at the end which “aggregates” the results of the parallel computations.

To convince yourself that your workflow is behaving correctly, use in the 1-write-experiments directory to run automated tests.

There’s no need to try and get it 100% right in one go! The goal here is for you get familiarized with implementing your own workflows. We recommend starting by thinking how you would provide input to the individual replicas. In fact, there are a couple of different ways you can go about that. Next, implement your workflow and use the script till you get it right!


  • Run the experiment and look around the stages directory
  • Use a variables.yaml file to change the number of times the experiment replicates its generate-input -> sum sub-graph

What’s next?

  • Learn how to add key-outputs and interfaces to your experiments
  • More information on running experiments directly, i.e. via here
  • More information on the DSL of ST4SD i.e. how to write experiments here
  • More information on how to structure and test your experiments here