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Using a virtual experiment interface

Learn how to use a virtual experiment interface

Some virtual experiments define interfaces which make it simpler for users to retrieve the inputs systems and measured properties from executions of that virtual experiment


Checking if a Virtual Experiment has an interface

Check the accompanying python notebook for examples of all the features and code described here .

Check the global registry

If you got the virtual experiment package from the global registry, go to the global registry entry and check if it has a Virtual Experiment Interface section.

Check your local registry from a iPython notebook

If you know the id of the virtual experiment package execute the following - it will print True if the experiment has an interface.

package = api.api_experiment_get('toxicity-prediction-nb')
if package['metadata']['registry']['interface']:

Check the return value of api_rest_uid_status

If you’ve launched a run of a virtual experiment you can check runs status document to see if it has an interface. For example:

status = api.api_rest_uid_status(rest_uid)
if status['experiment']['metadata']['registry']['interface']:

The status['experiment'] and package above have the same schema. The difference is that status['experiment'] contains additional information that ST4SD discovers after it executes the instructions in the package. For example, the input-ids that the virtual experiment processed (in experiment.metadata.registry.interface.inputs).

Accessing Interface Metadata

When you run a virtual experiment with an interface there are two ways to retrieve it using the instances rest_uid - both return the same data.

The interface contains a description of the virtual experiment along with information on the inputs, the input spec and the names of the properties measured by the virtual experiment

Using the st4sd-runtime-service API

From the instances status json e.g.

status = api.api_rest_uid_status(rest_uid)

Using the st4sd-datastore API

From the instances experiment document e.g.

exp_doc = api.cdb_get_document_experiment_for_rest_uid(

The method api.cdb_get_document_experiment_for_rest_uid() raises an exception if the virtual experiment has not produced properties.

Getting the Inputs

The list of input system ids are available in the status and experiment documents by default

Using the st4sd-runtime-service API

The inputs are stored at ['experiment']['metadata']['registry']['interface']['inputs'] in the instances status json:


Using the st4sd-datastore API

The inputs are stored at ['interface']['inputs'] in the instances experiment document e.g.


Getting the Properties

The property-table of a virtual experiment run can be obtained in a number of ways. In all cases the property-table is returned as a dict that can be used to instantiate a pandas.DataFrame.

Using the st4sd-runtime-service API

There are two options

Option One: With instance status

Add the include_properties keyword parameter to the api_rest_uid_status call. Its value should be one of

  • ['*'] if you want all the properties
  • A list of valid property-names (as defined in the interface) if you want a selection

The property table is then available at the key-path status['experiment']['metadata']['registry']['interface']['propertyTable'] e.g.

status = api.api_rest_uid_status(rest_uid, include_properties=['*'])
interface = status['experiment']['metadata']['registry']['interface']
df = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(interface['propertyTable'])
Option Two: Direct REST-API call

You can make a direct request to get the full property table using the instances/{restUID}/properties route e.g.

properties_dict = api.api_request_get(f'instances/{restUID}/properties')
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(properties_dict)

You can also select properties using includeProperties as a query parameter to the route e.g. instances/{restUID}/properties?includeProperties=$VALUEwhere $VALUE is a comma separated list of property names

properties_dict = api.api_request_get(f'instances/{restUID}/properties?includeProperties=logp')
df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(properties_dict )

Using the st4sd-datastore API

Add the include_properties keyword parameter to the cdb_get_document_experiment_for_rest_uid call. Its value should one of

  • ['*'] if you want all the properties
  • A list of valid property-names (as defined in the interface) if you want a selection

The property table is then available at the key-path exp_doc['interface']['propertyTable'] e.g.

exp_doc = api.cdb_get_document_experiment_for_rest_uid(
df = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(exp_doc['interface']['propertyTable'])

Handling Errors

Asking for properties before the experiment instance has produced them returns a HTTP status code 400. Asking for properties which do not exist returns a HTTP status code 404.

Below is an example of handling errors from requests for properties:

import experiment.service.db.errors
import experiment.service.db
import pandas.DataFrame
# After the virtual experiment instance terminates
# Here we request all ('*') properties that the `rest_uid` instance measured
status = api.api_rest_uid_status(rest_uid, include_properties=['*'])
df: pandas.DataFrame = pandas.DataFrame.from_dict(