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User environments

Learn how to interact with ST4SD via your method of choice

There are a number of options for interacting with the ST4SD instance.

Remote JupyterLab or JupyterServer with OpenShift ST4SD Instance

If you’ve been provided access to a remote Jupyter server for interacting with the stack then check with the JupyterLab admin that the ST4SD client SDKs are available in the JupyterLab image.


In this case you will have been given an URL for the ST4SD instance. The additional item you need is a token (like a password) which will allow you to login to the stack from the notebook.

  • Visit $URL/authorisation/token (substitute $URL with the URL you were given)
  • You will be prompted to login
    • If you have logged in recently, usually within a week, this step will be skipped.
    • If this is the very first time you login to this ST4SD instance you may be asked for your permission to allow ST4SD to know that you are logging in.
    • If the ST4SD instance is hosted on IBM Cloud you need to log on OpenShift once so that IBM Cloud can activate your account on the cluster.
  • After loging in you will be presented with an authentication token which you can use to login to the SDK

Local JupyterServer with OpenShift ST4SD Instance

First follow the instructions in set up a local client.

This will also install a local Jupyter Notebook server. Assuming the virtual environment you created when setting up the local client is activated you can start the server by executing the following in a terminal


This will start Jupyter server and open the server webpage in your default browser.

At this point follow the login instructions as above.

Local Terminal with OpenShift ST4SD Instance

You can also interact with OpenShift ST4SD instance via the terminal. This allows you to login to the cluster and browse the workflows you’ve run.

See using the terminal for more details.