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Virtual Experiment Best Practices

Use this page to learn the best practices for developing virtual experiments.

This page collects a set of best practices for developing virtual experiments that are driven by our experience in this field. While choosing whether to follow them or not is up to the developer, the Registry UI will test and display a status report for some of the most important ones.

Each of the guidelines will explicitly state whether it is tested by the Registry or it is just a convention that should be followed, with the emojis having the following meanings:

  • ✅ tested by the registry now.

  • ☑️ will be tested by the registry in the future.

  • ⚠️ convention: not testable, but recommend to follow.

Strong versioning

For an experiment to be repeatable we need to ensure that the underlying pieces that make up the experiment will not change over time. This translates to the following set of requirements:

  • Container images should not use the latest tag (explicitly or implicitly), as it is more likely to be updated.

  • Base package sources should be hosted on a platform that supports versioning (e.g., git) and reference an identifier that will not change over time (e.g., a commit ID).

Coding style and guidelines

The following guidelines ensure your virtual experiment leverage ST4SD functionalities as best they can while also providing reusability.

  • Experiments should always include an interface to simplify information retrieval and external integrations.

  • User-supplied data should be listed in the inputs section. No default value for the inputs that sits in data should be set.

  • The name of the components should reflect at all times what they do, even if we are modifying an experiment that we fork.

  • Platforms should be primarily used to encode non-functional information, such as resource limits. Read up more about platforms here.

  • Unless a component consumes a large amount of inputs, the experiment should list them one by one, instead of just the directory they are in.

  • The experiment should have defaults set for all options that are not inputs. This implies that the default platform should be runnable.

CI/CD and testing

To make sure the experiment is valid and works as expected, we suggest:

  • Run etest at each commit for all platforms

Developer metadata

Adding metadata to a parameterised package can greatly help other users understand what it does, what license it comes with, and is also useful for filtering purposes in the global virtual experiments registry. As such, it is important for all the following fields to be populated.

  • The parameterised package should provide a description of what it does, in order to help other users.

  • Parameterised packages should specify who the maintainer is, so that users can get in touch with someone in case of need.

  • Parameterised packages should specify what license they are provided with, as this can set requirements for re-use and modifications.

  • Parameterised packages in the registry should have a meaningful tag and not rely on latest.