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The ST4SD Python Client API

Learn how to use ST4SD python client API to run, query and interact with virtual experiments

  • For: Researchers
  • Use When:
    • You want to run and get output of virtual experiments
  • Skill Requirements:
    • Some knowledge of python

The code here can be tested using the ST4SD Runtime API Example notebook


We provide a python API for ease of use of virtual experiment in an iPython notebook setting. The features the API enables includes:

  1. launching virtual experiment instances
  2. monitoring virtual experiment instances
  3. downloading outputs and measured properties of virtual experiment instances

The Python API is a wrapper around a RESTapi. You can find RESTapi documentation here. In addition, we provide a python API to our st4sd-datastore which allows deeper querying and data-retrieval from completed virtual experiments in a notebook.


The basic requirements are access to an OpenShift instance with ST4SD installed (see first steps for more information).

Getting data into and out-of virtual experiments: Cloud Object Store

Additionally it can be useful to set up a Cloud Object Store bucket so you can easily get data into and out-of a virtual experiment.

See here for detailed instructions on how to do this with IBM Cloud.


We maintain a repository containing a set of IPython notebooks that illustrate interacting with virtual experiments via these two methods.

If you are using a local JupyterServer environment execute this snippet to start-up the first notebook illustrating the RESTApi. Most of the examples discussed here are in this notebook

git clone
cd st4sd-examples
jupyter-notebook notebooks/ST4SD\ Runtime\ API\ Example.ipynb

Note: If you’ve installed st4sd-runtime-core into a virtualenv you will need to activate it before executing above snippet

After reading this page have a browse around the st4sd-examples repository to see what topics are covered in the other notebooks.

Connecting to ST4SD

To connect to an ST4SD instance you need to obtain an auth-token or use an api-key. Please refer to How do I connect to the ST4SD runtime service?.

The following code blocks show how to connect to an ST4SD instance.

  • Connect using an auth-token:
import experiment.service.db
# enter the https:// ST4SD url below
url="https://${your ST4SD url}"
# enter your auth-token below
auth_token="put your authentication/token - do not share it with anyone"
api=experiment.service.db.ExperimentRestAPI(url, cc_auth_token=auth_token)
  • Connect using an api-key:
import experiment.service.db
# enter the https:// ST4SD url below
url="https://${your ST4SD url}"
# enter your auth-token below
bearer_key="put your api-key - do not share it with anyone"
api=experiment.service.db.ExperimentRestAPI(url, cc_bearer_key=bearer_key)
ST4SD may print warnings to your python terminal e.g. `Unable to import tinydb module - tinydb interface not available`. These are not problems. They are just informing you that select features are not supported on the machine you are using. You can ignore them.

The ExperimentRestAPI initializer validates the authentication token you provided and will raise an exception if it is invalid. If you do not get an Exception that means you can use api to interact with the st4sd-runtime-service and st4sd-datastore REST-APIs.

The above code needs to be executed once in a notebook session to get an api instance to interact with. All the following examples assume this step has been done.

ST4SD may print warnings to your python terminal e.g. Unable to import pythonlsf - limited LSF functionality will be available. These are not problems. They are just informing you that select features are not supported on the machine you are using. You can ignore them.

Adding a virtual experiment package

Before you can run a virtual experiment you need to add it to your ST4SD registry. You do this using the api_experiment_push() method.

Technically you add a parameterised virtual experiment package. A parameterised package can define particular, potentially complex values, for variables in the virtual experiment to enable specific behaviour and make them easier to consume.

You can either type the definition of the parameterised package manually or import it from another ST4SD registry (e.g. the global ST4SD registry). In the second-case the registry UI provides with the exact api_experiment_push call you need to execute.

Running a virtual experiment

The API call api_experiment_start will start the virtual experiment that a parameterised virtual experiment package points to e.g.,

rest_uid = api.api_experiment_start(experimentIdentifier, payload=...)

The above example assumes experimentIdentifier is a valid identifier of a parameterised package. The value of payload is a python dictionary that contains the run options to the experiment.

When you run a given virtual experiment you create a virtual experiment instance. Each instance is assigned a unique identifier which is returned when you start the virtual experiment. We use the term ExperimentRunID and rest_uid to refer to such identifiers.

The following sections explain how to fill the payload.

Specifying experiment inputs

inputs are files the experiment requires to run - they must be provided. Each experiments documentation should explain what these files are.

The inputs are specified via the key inputs in the payload. The value of this key is a list that has one item, a dictionary, for each required input file e.g.,

payload = {
"inputs": [

Providing inputs via s3 or Datashim dataset

If your input file is in an s3 bucket or a Datashim dataset you use the s3 top-level key of the payload dictionary to provides details for accessing the bucket/dataset.

  • Currently the filenames in the bucket must have the same names as expected by the experiment
  • Only one bucket/dataset can be specified in the payload i.e. all files you want to pass an experiment from s3 must be in the same bucket
  • The value of the filename key should be the path inside the bucket to find the file.

Example: Using s3. Fill the s3 parameters with the required values. In this case input_filename.csv is in the top-level of the bucket.

payload = {
"inputs": [{
"filename": "input_filename.csv"
"s3": {
"accessKeyID": "$S3_AccessKeyID",
"secretAccessKey": "$S3_SecretAccessKey",
"bucket": "$S3_BUCKET_NAME",
"endpoint": "$S3_ENDPOINT",

Example: Using Datashim. In this case input_filename.csv is at path data/input_filename.csv

payload = {
"inputs": [{
"filename": "data/input_filename.csv"
"s3": {
"dataset": "$MYDATASET_NAME"

Providing input content directly

You can provide the content of input files directly in the payload using the content key

data = pd.read_csv('mydata.csv')
payload = {
"inputs": [{
"content": data.to_csv(index=False),
"filename": "input_filename.csv"

This specifies that the content of the input file input_filename.csv comes from the pandas DataFrame data.

Specifying experiment data

data refers to experiment configuration files that may be overridden by the user.

data files can only be overridden if the parameterised package allows it. If this is the case the files will be listed in the executionOptions section in the package description

The data files are specified via the key data in the payload. The value of this key is a list that has one item, a dictionary, for each data file you want to override e.g.,

payload = {
"data": [

The format of the data dictionary is identical to the input dictionary.

Providing data files via S3/Datashim or providing their content directly follows same process as described for inputs. See those sections for details.

Specifying experiment variables

variables are optional parameters controlling the behaviour of the experiment, e.g. number of cpus. They are experiment specific i.e. the same variables don’t exist in all experiment and variables controlling similar behaviour in two experiments may not have the same name.

variables can only be overridden if the parameterised package allows it. If this is the case the variables that can be set will be listed in the executionOptions section in the package description

variables are set using the variables key in the payload. The value of this key is a dictionary of variable-name, variable-value pairs.

payload = {
... #Input/data options elided
"variables": {
"startIndex": 0,
"numberMolecules": 1,

Payload Details

The following is the complete structure of the api_experiment_start() payload (in YAML). This includes some advanced options not discussed here.

platform: name of platform (optional - see parameterisation notes)
inputs: # optional (parameterised packages may have no inputs)
# see notes for interaction with Dataset/S3
- filename: str # required
content: str # optional - see S3 notes
data: # optional (parameterised packages may have no overiddable data files)
# see notes for interaction with Dataset/S3
- filename: str # required
content: str # optional - see S3 notes

The schema above is in YAML format. If you are using python (i.e. an instance of experiment.service.db.ExperimentRestAPI) you should either create an equivalent python dictionary OR a python string that contains the yaml definition and then convert the string into a dictionary using yaml.loads(the_string).


  1. inputs and data file-specifications have an optional content field. If this field is missing then the contents of the files are expected to exist on S3 or in a Dataset. When s3 exists then the filename field acts as the path inside the S3 bucket (or dataset) to use for reading the content of the input/data file.
  2. Dataset objects are only available if a cluster-admin has installed Datashim on the cluster.
  3. The fields additionalOptions, data, inputs, platform, and variables must adhere to parameterisation rules. See the parameterised package documentation for more information.

Getting the status of a virtual experiment instance

A common user-task is to check the status of a virtual experiment instance. For example, to see if it is still running, or, if finished, if there was any error.

The API method api_rest_uid_status returns the status of a given rest_uid:

# put here the rest_uid of the virtual experiment instance
rest_uid = "toxicity-predictions-trol7a"
status = api.api_rest_uid_status(rest_uid)

The variable status contains various information about the virtual experiment instance in addition to its status. The execution status is under the status key, you can inspect by executing:

import json
print(json.dumps(status['status'], indent=2))

This will print a dictionary with the following keys (among others). The potential values of these keys is also described.

Values are case sensitive

  • experiment-state: Indicates the execution state of the experiment instance

    • Possible Values:
      • unscheduled: The experiment has not been scheduled to run yet. This can be due to lack of resources, which may resolve, or be a critical issue (unable to pull ST4SD images, unable to mount volumes)
      • unschedulable: Required pre-tasks for the experiment execution failed e.g. could not get workflow source, could not download s3 inputs.
      • Initialising: The experiment is starting up
      • running: The experiment has started running components
      • waiting_on_resource: A component in the active stage is waiting on resource
      • suspended: The workflow execution has been suspended
      • finished: The experiment is finished.
      • failed: Only set if the experiment encountered an error during initialisation (failed to run any steps of workflow after being started). For example, fail to parse arguments, fail to create directory structures.
  • exit-status: Indicates how a completed experiment exited

    • This receives its final value after experiment-state transitions to either finished or, in rare circumstances, failed (see above). Value will be “N/A” or "" (empty) before this.
    • Possible Values:
      • Success: The experiment existed successfully
      • Failed: The experiment failed (at least one component)
      • Stopped: The experiment was stopped/killed
      • N/A: The experiment is running and doesn’t have an exit-status yet
      • "" (Empty): The experiment has not started.
  • error-description: If the exit-status is Failed the value of this key is a string which explains the failure cause.

  • total-progress: A number in [0.0, 1.0] indicating the progress of the experiment. Note that workflow developers may decide to control this value.

  • current-stage: UID (e.g. stage0) of the active stage with the lowest stage index

  • stage-state: Indicates the state of the active stage (a stage with a component running) with with the lowest stage index. Value is one of ["Initialising", "finished", "waiting_on_resource","running", "component_shutdown", "failed"]

  • stage-progress: A number in [0.0, 1.0] indicating the progress of the active stage with the lowest stage index. Note that workflow developers may decide to control this value.

An experiment status can have experiment-state=finished with exit-status=failed. This means that the experiment completed with a failure.

In the case where there are no systems issues preventing an experiment to start experiment-state will always become finished. You must check exit-status for errors.

Here is an example of the status dictionary

"experiment-state": "finished",
"total-progress": 1.0,
"exit-status": "Success",
"stages": [
"current-stage": "Toxicity-prediction",
"stage-state": "finished",

This reports that:

  1. The orchestrator observed that the virtual experiment instance terminated (experiment-state = finished)
  2. The virtual experiment instance has produced all its outputs (total-progress = 1.0)
  3. The virtual experiment instance completed successfully (exit-status = Success)
  4. The experiment had 1 stage (stages = ["Toxicity-prediction"])
  5. Toxicity-prediction was the most recently executed stage with the lowest stage index (current-stage = Toxicity-prediction).
    1. All its tasks terminated and they were all successful (stage-state = finished)
    2. It reached its max progress (stage-progress = 1.0)
  6. The virtual experiment instance did not raise any errors (error-description = "")

Inspect the metadata of a virtual experiment instance

In addition to the execution status information the status key also contains metadata on the experiment. To see it:

import json
print(json.dumps(status['status']['meta'], indent=2))

This will print a dictionary with the following keys

  • arguments: The command-line of the orchestrator
  • data: The list of files that override data files
  • input: The list of input files
  • pid: The process ID of the st4sd orchestrator
  • platform: The name of the platform that the virtual experiment instance executes
  • userVariables: User provided variables, the schema is {'global':{name:value}, 'stages':{index:{name:value}}}
  • variables: Global and stage variables active in the platform-scope that the virtual experiment executes. The schema is {'global':{name:value}, 'stages':{index:{name:value}}}
  • hybridPlatform: Name of hybrid-platform for communicating with LSF (can be None),
  • userMetadata: A dictionary with key(str): Any value pairs that users can provide
  • instanceName: The name of the directory containing the virtual experiment instance.
  • version: The version of the st4sd orchestrator

Retrieving the outputs of a virtual experiment instance

There are multiple ways to retrieve outputs of virtual experiments: via a virtual experiment interface, key-outputs, the Datastore APIs, and by leveraging ST4SD’s automated upload to S3.

Retrieving the properties measured by an experiment

Some virtual experiments define interfaces which make it simple for users to retrieve the input systems and measured properties from runs of that virtual experiment.

Learn how to use virtual experiment interfaces here.

Retrieving key-outputs

Key-Outputs are files produced by an experiment that the developer has flagged as being of special interest. Since the names of the file can be generic the developer gives the key-output a descriptive label to better explain what it is.

Information on the key-outputs of a virtual experiment instance are stored in the dictionary returned by api_rest_uid_status

status = api.api_rest_uid_status(restUID)

An example of the output of this is

{'OptimisationResults': {'creationtime': '1669584128.077387',
'description': '',
'filename': 'energies.csv',
'filepath': 'stages/stage1/ExtractEnergies/energies.csv',
'final': 'yes',
'production': 'yes',
'type': '',
'version': '1'}}

This says the experiment has one key-output called OptimisationResults. This refers to a file energies.csv produced by the component ExtractEnergies in the given experiment.

To retrieve a key-output we can use api_rest_uid_output. This method returns the contents as bytes so it needs to be converted to a string. Note: replace OptimisationResults with the name of a key-output relevant to an experiment you have run.

filename, contents = api.api_rest_uid_output(rest_uid, 'OptimisationResults')
contents = contents.decode('utf-8', 'ignore')
# read it into a pandas dataframe
df = pd.read_csv(io.StringIO(contents), sep=",", skipinitialspace=True)

Automatically uploading key-outputs to S3

ST4SD supports automatically uploading key-outputs to S3. To enable this feature include the following values in the payload you provide to api.api_experiment_start(experimentId, payload) (see Running a virtual experiment for more information):

See the Cloud Object Store page for examples of getting the values to populate the credentials section.

Note that bucketPath is optional and it defaults to /.

The following example stores the key-outputs under run1_output in an bucket calledmy-bucket

"credentials": {
"accessKeyID": "$S3_AccessKeyID",
"secretAccessKey": "$S3_SecretAccessKey",
"endpoint": "$S3_ENDPOINT",
"region": "$S3_Region",
"bucket": "my-bucket"
"bucketPath": "/run1_output/"

Listing outputs produced by virtual experiment components

Before being able to retrieve the contents of the outputs files produced by the virtual experiment components we need to know their paths. We start by retrieving the list of components that were part of our experiment through these two calls:

metadata = api.cdb_get_user_metadata_document_for_rest_uid(rest_uid)
components = api.cdb_get_document_component(instance=metadata['instance'])

The list of full paths of the output files produced by each components will then be available using the files key. We can access it for component 0 as such:


Retrieving outputs via the ST4SD Datastore APIs

To retrieve outputs we use the cdb_get_file_from_instance_uri function.

In this example we reference variables that we retrieved in the previous section (Listing outputs produced by virtual experiment components)

This function, however, expects to receive relative paths instead of full ones. We can change our list of paths with this list comprehension:

component_0_files_relative = [component_file[component_file.index('/stages/'):] for component_file in component_0_files]

Here we show how to retrieve the first file produced by component 0 from the previous example:

data = api.cdb_get_file_from_instance_uri(document[0]['instance'], component_0_files_relative[0])

Stopping a virtual experiment instance

The API call to cancel and delete a virtual experiment instance is api_rest_uid_delete. Use this if you want to stop a run for any reason.

The api_rest_uid_delete() method does not affect the files that the run has already generated. However, it does cause the run, and any components that are still running, to terminate. It also deletes any Kubernetes objects that have been created by the run.

You may also use this to delete Kubernetes objects created for running this virtual experiment instance. Note that deleting the virtual experiment instance does not affect the files that it has produced.

# put here the rest_uid of the virtual experiment instance
rest_uid = "toxicity-predictions-trol7a"

Learn more

Mastering stp

Learn how to master our command line tool, stp, for creating and managing virtual experiment packages.

Take a look under the hood

Want to learn more about how experiments are run? Learn about the tool that the API uses to launch experiments.