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This page will teach you how to write a workflow via a toy-example.

Our toy-example calculates the sum of a set of integers. It can be found here or cloned via:

git clone

Before we dive into the sum-numbers example, first we give brief introduction to key-concepts of the language used to specify workflows in ST4SD, FlowIR.

Introduction to FlowIR

We term the internal workflow specification language of ST4SD, FlowIR. FlowIR is a feature rich workflow definition language for describing the computational graph of a virtual experiment.

More detailed information on FlowIR elements can be found in workflow specification which also references the sum-numbers workflow for illustration purposes.

In order to illustrate a wide-range of FlowIR features the sum-numbers example is slightly complex. The hello world file in the same repository contains a simpler hello world workflow.


In FlowIR a workflow consists of components. These are the steps in the workflow or the nodes/vertices in the workflow graph. A workflow may also define key-outputs, and an interface. An interface allows easy retrieval of the properties measured by an instance of a workflow (virtual experiment).

Each component is associated with a program or script and its command line arguments. A components inputs are files or directories. These come from other components in the workflow; or are provided by the user running the workflow; or are configuration files present in the workflow by default. Components produce their output under their working directory.

A component defines its inputs using a FlowIR object called a DataReference. The set of DataReferences between components in a workflow defines the edges of the workflow graph.

An example component

Lets look at how the first component in the sum-numbers workflow, GenerateInput, is defined

- stage: 0
name: GenerateInput
executable: "bin/"
arguments: "%(numberOfPoints)s %(my_random_seed)s"


In FlowIR, components can be optionally grouped into stages by the value of their stage key. For the above component you can see it is stage: 0.

Components which do not specify a stage are automatically grouped under stage 0. In the interest of keeping this grouping simple we currently only support integers as stage identifiers. Components in the same stage must have different names. The st4sd-runtime also raises an error if a stage contains no components.

Stages are a logical grouping. They do not define the execution order of components. A component is ready to execute once its input dependencies are satisfied.

Component Identifier

Theidentifier of a component is a string built out of the stage and name fields of the component like so: stage{stage index}.{component name}.

The identifier of our simple example component would be stage0.GenerateInput


ADataReference points to

  • data that exists before the workflow starts e.g. user provided inputs and configuration files
  • data that are generated by a component in the workflow

The format of a DataReference is

<producer reference>[/<file reference>]:<type>

There are 3 parts: producer reference, an optional file reference, and finally type

The producer reference can be either:

  1. A full component identifier (e.g. stage1.PartialSum).
  2. A relative component identifier (e.g. ExtractRow). Relative component references assume that the addressed component is in the same stage as the referrer component.
  3. An absolute path.
  4. A path relative to the top-level directory of the workflow instance directory e.g. bin, data, and input.

You define the directories that will be present in a workflow instance as part of writing the workflow - see project types.

The file reference is an optional relative path to a folder or file that’s hosted under the producer i.e. in a directory or produced by a component. If this part of the DataReference is omitted the st4sd-runtime-core treats the DataReference as a pointing to the directory of the producer.

The third part of a DataReference is its method. This controls what the st4sd-runtime will do with the reference. See here for more information.

st4sd-runtime guarantees that at runtime a DataReference will point to the desired component data. However the exact location of that data can be determined by the runtime. This allows you to write a workflow that consumes data from other components without have to be concerned about how that data is stored.

DataReferences and Dependencies

DataReferencesindicate the dependencies between components as well as dependencies of components to the filesystem.

A component will not start executing until either:

  1. The producers of its DataReferences have finished (sequential processing mode)
  2. The producers of its DataReferences have started (co-processing mode).

The mode is defined by the component.


Let’s look at an example DataReference and decompose it


This DataReference points to the output.csv file (/output.csv) that the stage0.GenerateInput (producer identifier) component produces. The method is ref which means the st4sd-runtime will expand the DataReference to an absolute path to the referenced file.

See the references section in the description of basic FlowIR component fields section.

The sum-numbers workflow

The workflow is defined in conf/flowir_package.yaml in the sum-numbers repository. In this toy workflow there are four components.

  1. GenerateInput: The first step a single task generates a file with N lines each with 10 space separated numbers.
  2. ExtractRow: In the next step N tasks read this file in parallel and print 1 of the lines (from 1 to N).
  3. PartialSum: In this step for each of the above tasks, another task reads their output, sums the numbers and print the result (N tasks total)
  4. Sum: A final task aggregates all the partial sums, and prints the total sum.

The following sections show how to:

  1. Write simple components in FlowIR.
  2. Group components in stages and use DataReferences to define component input dependencies.
  3. Specify inputs to workflows.

Project structure

The ST4SD runtime supports two ways of structuring workflow projects, standard projects and standalone projects - see project types.

sum-numbers uses the standalone project approach. In this project type, the workflow definition is stored under the conf/flowir_package.yaml file inside the root directory of the workflow project structure.

FlowIR supports defining a workflow package using multiple files by means of importing sub-workflow documents. However, for simplicity we omit this information from this toy example.

Examining the sum-numbers components

Component definitions are grouped under the top-level components field of the flowir_package.yaml file. The order of component definitions does define the execution order of the components - this is defined by the edges of the graph i.e. the DataReferences between the components.

In the snippet below we show the definition of 3 components, stage1.ExtractRow, stage1.PartialSum, and stage2.Sum from the sum-numbers example

# ... omitted ...
# ... omitted ...
- stage: 1
name: ExtractRow
executable: "bin/"
arguments: "stage0.GenerateInput/output.csv:ref %(replica)s"

Let’s focus on stage1.ExtractRow first. Its command field specifies the executable and arguments. The executable is a relative path (bin/ as it does not start with a / character. The st4sd-runtime interprets this to look for the executable under the bin folder of the workflow package definition. If the executable was an absolute path, or did not contain any / characters it’d be resolved using the $PATH environment variable of the ExtractRow component. See environments for information on defining and using environment variables.

The arguments string of stage1.ExtractRow are stage0.GenerateInput/output.csv:ref %(replica)s. It consists of a DataReference (stage0.GenerateInput/output.csv:ref) and a variable reference (%(replica)s). The DataReference will resolve to the absolute path of the file output.csv which is produced by the GenerateInput component in stage 0.

Notice that the DataReference is also part of the references array. All component references must be written in this array, otherwise the st4sd-runtime raises an invalid workflow package exception. This is primarily for error-checking. We also support more DataReference methods which cannot be a part of the command.arguments field. See the references section in the description of basic FlowIR component fields section.

The variable reference %(replica)s instructs the st4sd-runtime to replace the reference with the value of the variable. See the variables section more information about variables, and variable scope. In this particular instance, the replica variable is a special one. It is automatically generated by the st4sd-runtime for components which contain the workflowAttributes.replicate field. In this instance, the st4sd-runtime will generate numberOfPoints replicas of the ExtractRow component. Each of these replicas will have a replica variable with one value out of the integer range [0, numberOfPoints) (in this particular example the value range is [0, 1, 2]).

Next up is the PartialSum component. Notice its arguments ExtractRow:output. This is a DataReference with a relative-component-reference, so the st4sd-runtime understands that this is a reference to stage1.ExtractRow. However, recall that stage1.ExtractRow component is a replicated component. How does the st4sd-runttime pick, which of those components to reference here?

Because the stage1.PartialSum component does not contain a workflowAttributes.aggregate option, the st4sd-runtime will also replicate PartialSum the same number of times as its upstream replicated component (i.e. stage1.ExtractRow). It will then resolve the reference of replica X of stage1.PartialSum to the replica X of stage1.ExtractRow.

Component stage2.Sum is an example of an aggregating component. Aggregated components do not get replicated by the st4sd-runtime, they act as a sentinel node in the computational graph which stops the replication propagation.

The arguments of this component are stage1.PartialSum:output %(addToSum)s. The st4sd-runtime will first replace the stage1.PartialSum:output DataReference to multiple space separated DataReferences. One for each replica like so:stage1.PartialSum0:output stage1.PartialSum1:output stage1.PartialSum2:output. Right before the execution of the component, these DataRereferences to replicas will be expanded to the stdout contents of each of the 3 components.

Providing inputs to workflows

ST4SD workflows support 3 flavours of inputs:

  1. Input files - files user must provide when they execute the workflow
  2. Data files - configuration files that optionally can be overridden
  3. User variables - user provided values for workflow variables

Input Files

Input files are the files you require a user to provide. You define them implicitly whenever you have a data-reference to a file in a top-level folder called input/ i.e.

input/<filename>:<DataReference type>

You don’t include input files in a workflow project. As a result for each data-reference to a file in input/ you have in your worklfow configuration, the user must provide a matching input file when they launch the workflow. For example if directly running the workflow they would use the -i option to

When the workflow execution starts, st4sd-runtime-core creates the input/ directory in the top-level of the workflow instance directory and copies the files the user provided for the inputs into this folder. In this way the input files are where components expect them to be at runtime.

st4sd-runtime-core will check all required input files are present before starting the workflow and stop, raising an error, if they are not.

Data files

Data files are configuration files users can optionally override. You define them implicitly whenever you have a data-reference to file in a top-level folder called data/ i.e.

data/<filename>:<DataReference type>

You must provide defaults for these files. If you are using a standard project structure you do this by placing all the data files in a directory and then using a manifest to specify that this directory should be used as the data directory. For example, if you put all the data files in a directory called shared_data your manifest would look like:

data: ../shared_data

If you are are using a standalone project structure then the data-files are placed in the data folder of your project.

In the sum-numbers example the stage3.Cat component references one such data file:

# ... omitted ...
# ... omitted ...
- stage: 3
name: Cat
executable: "cat"
arguments: "cat_me.txt"

In this example the st4sd-runtime will copy the file $INSTANCE_DIR/data/cat_me.txt into the working directory of the stage3.Cat file right before the component executes.

The st4sd-runtime supports replacing files under the data folder via the -d option of Keep in mind that the argument to -d must be the absolute, or relative, path to a file whose name matches one of the files under the data folder. If there’s no -d option to override a data file, the st4sd-runtime will use the one provided by the workflow package to fulfil the DataReferences to it.


Finally, the st4sd-runtime supports providing a file containing user defined variables via the -a commandline argument to the script. User variables overwrite global and stage variables but not variables defined by components. The schema of the file is:

global: # dictionary of variables which are visible to all components
name: some-primitive-value(str, float, int)
stageIndex(integer): # dictionary of variables visible to components in stageIndex
name: some-primitive-value(str, float, int)

User variables can be used to overwrite the behaviour of components (e.g. arguments or even FlowIR configuration fields). Here is an example user-variables file for this workflow which changes the number of replicas from 3 to just 1:

numberOfPoints: 1

Currently, we expect that user variables are stored in a file with the extension .yaml OR .yml. The variables section contains more information about variables and variable scopes.


Key-Outputs are named DataReferences that point to important paths which the virtual experiment produced.

In sum-numbers there is only 1 key-output with the name TotalSum. It points to a file out.stdout that the stage2.Sum component produces. This file contains the sum of all the numbers that this toy virtual experiment calculates.DataReferences

This is the relevant FlowIR snippet from sum-numbers:

data-in: "stage2.Sum/out.stdout:copy"

Executing sum-numbers

This section assumes that you’ve already installed st4sd-runtime-core locally and cloned sum-numbers. If you’ve installed st4sd-runtime-core in a virtual environment take a moment to load it before continuing.

To execute this workflow use (the script should take a couple of minutes to complete). sum-numbers

An instance directory will be created in the directory you execute The instance directory will have the name sum-numbers-<TIMESTAMP>.instance (in the example below: sum-numbers-2021-03-01T094529.183587).

Each sum-numbers workflow component has its own working directory under the instance directory called: $INSTANCE_DIR/stages/stage<stage_index:%d>/<component_name>/. will output text that is similar to the following:

$ sum-numbers
Unable to import pythonlsf - limited LSF functionality will be available
INFO MainThread root : point_logger_to_random_file 2021-03-01 09:45:29,125: Experiment log at /tmp/tmpso2ajxxe
INFO MainThread root : <module> 2021-03-01 09:45:29,126: Using modules in /home/username/projects/st4sd-runtime/python/experiment
INFO MainThread root : CreateHaltClosure 2021-03-01 09:45:29,126: Creating halt closure monitoring /home/shared/CHPCBackend/.halt_backend for pid 888
INFO MainThread root : CreateHaltClosure 2021-03-01 09:45:29,126: Creating halt closure monitoring /home/shared/CHPCBackend/.kill_backend for pid 888
INFO MainThread root : <module> 2021-03-01 09:45:29,126: Deploying Experiment at SumNumbers.package/
INFO MainThread FlowIRConf : __init__ 2021-03-01 09:45:29,127: Load FLOWIR, the default platform is default
INFO MainThread flowir : apply_replicate 2021-03-01 09:45:29,151: Replicate job stage1.ExtractRow (3) (replicated refs: [])

If you switch to the $INSTANCE_DIR/stages directory and run ls -lR you should see the below structure:

$ ls -lR
total 16
drwxrwxr-x. 3 username username 4096 Mar 1 09:45 stage0
drwxrwxr-x. 8 username username 4096 Mar 1 09:45 stage1
drwxrwxr-x. 3 username username 4096 Mar 1 09:45 stage2
drwxrwxr-x. 3 username username 4096 Mar 1 09:45 stage3